That's better...

Having a decent week *knock on wood*. I missed running Sunday night because of a storm (actually, I TRIED walking, only to have lightning SPLIT the sky and strike about a mile from where I was. I could SMELL the ozone, and so I left). Last night was good though. I ran a bit of the time (I would have run MORE but 1) my earbuds wouldn't stay in and 2) my pants kept falling down!
A shirt that I ordered for Scotland came in too. I took some pictures and thought I might post what I look like with makeup and decent hair!
You look pretty good for someone at 185! Losing 50 pounds is a remarkable achievement.
Thanks. I run a lot and have largish boobs, so I figure I could fake 175- plus I'm 5'8"- all working in my favor. I reckon I have another 40 to go though.
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