The Dream is Alive
I am wearing a HUGE, satisfied smile right now.
That means that I have two weeks to lose 3 pounds- EMINENTLY do-able.
There is NOTHING like success for motivation, nothing
Of course, there is nothing like failure to make you want to quit. Sunday morning, my usual weigh-in day, my scale was still stuck at 184.5. (I KNOW that I didn't magically lose 2.5 pounds overnight- it was a lucky break on water-weight (although, I've confirmed the 182 since my initial reading), but it was still heartening) and I wanted to throw in the towel. It is amazing how one small setback can make you willing to throw away everything you've achieved so far!
One of my main problems with losing weight is my need for instant gratification. It is hard for me to see that I lost "0.5" pounds one week and still remember that it is FIFTY pounds over several months- that if I keep going,even at that slow rate, I'll reach my goal by this time next year. It is even harder to keep in mind that if I QUIT, I'll probably swell up larger than I was before.
I'm really good at working toward goals, but less good at enjoying where I am in any given moment. Now, for example, I'm nowhere near anyone's definition of thin. I still have little fat rolls in my tummy when I sit down. I still hate the shape of my butt- but I DON'T have double chins. The undersides of my arms are toned. I can zip my knee boots all the way up. I have to remember all those little triumphs. Even if my scale doesn't read 179 when I get on the plane to Scotland, It doesn't read 235 either! I might not be wearing size 30 Paige jeans- but I'm not struggling to zip size 16 Gap jeans either (I'm falling out of my 14's now!).
That said, I need to keep my eye on the prize. When I thought I had stalled AGAIN, I looked into some rut busters, and this is what I am working on this week:
1. Cutting WAY back on Diet Coke (I tried to go cold turkey, but my head hurt so badly I couldn't walk. I'm going to start slow: 1-2 cans per day (understand that I WAS drinking 6-8!) and see if I can cut it out when I get back from my trip. The point is to DRINK ALL MY WATER!!!
2. Upping my fiber. I've bought a fiber supplement although, obviously, I'm trying to get most of the fiber from my food. I read the horror stories ( which are an urban legend ) abuot John Wayne and Elvis and feared for my poor digestive track! I think I was averaging about 4-10 grams of fiber per day before I really started to pay attention!
3. Up my dairy intake. There is so much interesting research about dairy consumption and weight loss. Yes, I've heard the rumors that it is all funded by the dairy council, and I take it with a grain of salt, but I figure it is worth a try? I need more calcium anyhow, and I do love dairy. My plan is to start the day with either low-fat yogurt or light cream cheese, have some kind of cheese at lunch, and finish my day with either some fat free ice cream, or skim milk with chocolate syrup. That will keep each serving around 100 calories and 3-6 grams of fat (well, except for the cheese at lunch. If I get a little more fat with that, so be it). We shall see how it works.

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