Sugar and Spice

The journal of a young lawyer's efforts to lose weight and regain her former hottie-ness.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Day 3

So far, so good.
I peeked on the scale this morning, and it was 169.5...sure it's water weight, and not an official weigh-in, but definitely moving in a positive direction.

Yesterday was good and bad.

On the plus side, I stayed within my range and went for my workout. I also did my crunches. On the negative side, I squandered most of my calories on JUNK, and I caved and had a diet rootbeer last night...Ugh! Giving up soda is SO HARD!

A lot of my problems thus far have been my tendency for "grazing", and it is hard to bring in line! Compounding the problem is that most of the things I "graze" (like nuts and chips) are high-calorie to begin with- which is why I don't sit down and eat a whole serving to begin with.

At least I have some extra motivation. My sister-in-law (who just had TWINS last week) is starting with a trainer as soon as she is cleared to excercise. I've really enjoyed being smaller than she is. I don't want to give up my edge!

In sum, to this point, the good is outweighing the bad. I have to keep my eyes on the Prize...Florida in less than three months!


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