Sugar and Spice

The journal of a young lawyer's efforts to lose weight and regain her former hottie-ness.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This


SERIOUSLY losing my motivation. I was SO PUMPED last week that I'd managed not to veer TOO far off track with the vacation- but I've been in the 180's for SO LONG. It's really on my nerves. I've tried everything I can think of to shake off this plateau: raising calories, lowering calories, upping excercise intensity (SIGNIFICANT boost from walking to running and mixing in some "The Firm"), upping fiber, upping water. *sigh* I'm nearly at wit's end.

I nearly had a TOTAL binge today. I had KFC (chicken breast and potato wedges) for dinner, followed by a Twix Ice Cream bar. The only salvation is that I fed half of the KFC (1/2 of the wedges,almost all of the skin and 1/2 the meat of the chicken) to my dog, and the ice cream was a "mini" (80 calories).

I still have running left to I'm still "on program", but feeling discouraged, and VERY stressed out. I don't know how much longer I can hold on :( I keep telling myself that if I let go, I'll leave the 180's in the WRONG direction, but it's so HARD!


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