Sugar and Spice

The journal of a young lawyer's efforts to lose weight and regain her former hottie-ness.

Sunday, October 08, 2006



I'm at 178...I /think/- the scale keeps waffling between 178 and 181. I feel like I've been on the cusp of the 170's forever. I know that the main culprit is the fact that I fell off the wagon while I was in Scotland, but this is SO frustrating! The longer my plateau holds, the more I feel like letting go!

I really, REALLY wanted to be in the 170's for Scotland. By cheating a smidge, I made it- but the scale has barely budged since!

My exercise has ramped up in intensity, but lessened in length. It is getting dark too early for me to stay out for an hour anymore. I've started actually RUNNING (okay, 12 minute miles are more like a fast walk :$ but still!) for 30 mins, instead of walking for an hour, and my carb intake is up. I think I'm going to play with going "low carb" this week to see if that helps. Something HAS to give!

I'm PMS this week. Maybe that's part of it? I can never decide if my weight is more or less pre-period. It seems to waffle. Oh, well. I wish I would JUST LOSE WEIGHT ALREADY! :P

I have 6 weeks until New York. That makes my goal of being 164 by then very tough unless a miracle occurs :(


At 6:31 PM, Blogger K said...

Sympathy, sympathy. I am in exactly the same state as you are. Why won't the scales just give a definite downwards movement? Would it hurt?

I am in the middle of composing an entry entitled "At least my lovelife's not DOA"... title chosen before I saw your last post...

Maybe it's the change of season or something.


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