Sugar and Spice

The journal of a young lawyer's efforts to lose weight and regain her former hottie-ness.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Days...9 and 10? I'm losing track

Okay, I'm going to have to come up with a new post title, because I've hopelessly lost track.

Yesterday was a good day- finished under in calories and really kicked it at the gym.

Today...not so good. I'm still in range (although 1500 feels high for me), but I had taco bell tacos and McDonald's ice cream...and I've decided that pita chips are little sugar bombs that I should avoid...I'm going to try to eat more wholeomely tomorrow.

Skipped TKD tonight...actually, I suited up and went to class, but they were sparring, and I HATE sparring.


At 8:49 PM, Blogger sarah said...

Holy cow... I, too, had to give up pita chips. The sugar/cinnamon ones were my faves and the fat/calorite count makes it seem alright, but there is nothing alright about licking your finger and running it in the sugar dust at the bottom of the bag when you've eaten them all. Sigh. Why must food be so good?
PS: You are looking *amazing!* And I love that bikini. Nice job! I'll write more later when the little ones are sleeping.


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