The damage....

1.5 pound loss in 2 weeks is disappointing, but given that the two weeks contained my trip to New York AND Thanksgiving, I'm satisfied with the mere fact that it was a loss!
I didn't quite make my New York goal. I was 172 when I stepped out the door (well, before I put on my clothes to step out the door). My revised goal was 170 (my ORIGINAL goal was 165!) so, that's disappointing. HOWEVER, it was damn close.
Clothes shopping in NYC was actually a lot of fun. I bought a new pair of jeans (SEVENS *g* *gag*- after I was so anti!) and an AMAZING corset from Agent Provacateur (where I am NOT the largest size! Hooray!).
Manhattan shops were annoying in that they only put up to size 8 out on the rack :P You had to ask for the 10's and 12's. I didn't know this at first. I thought they just didn't have them, until I spied ONE lonely little 12 out and asked to try it on. The saleswoman came over to help, and suggested some other outfits. I pointed out that she only had them up to a size 8, and she explained it to me.

It's sort of annoying :P like, they are ashamed of the 10's and 12's (OMG, how happy was I to be in a 12 to begin with?!?!) but ah, well....SOMEDAY I'll be an 8!
Anyhow, it's on to Christmas. The revised Christmas goal is 164...I don't think that's going to happen. I'd love for it to, but I see myself somewhere around 167 for Christmas (at the rate I'm going (A.K.A. PAINFULLY SLOWLY!)).
Mom bought me a gym membership for Christmas though, so I should be back in the swing of things come New Years. The main thing is that I've survived TWO vacations now without falling completely off the wagon. I ate more than normal in NYC, but I didn't binge, and that is a HUGE step forward!