Sugar and Spice

The journal of a young lawyer's efforts to lose weight and regain her former hottie-ness.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Three bits of fantastic news.
First, I am 164.0 - that's a BMI of 24.9 OFFICIALLY "healthy" weight for the first time since I was 19!!!!
Second, I joined a new gym- and I LOVE it! I missed going tonight because Jess is out of town, and I didn't have care for Susan, but I'm heading there tomorrow.
Third, MY BRACES ARE OFF!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Well, I'm back down to my former low: 165.0. There is light on the horizon! Also, I am joining a brand-new gym. Unfortunately, they don't open until the 27th, but at least there is a PLAN to start excercising again. I have high hopes that weightloss will start again in earnest when that happens.

In the meantime, I've decided to go to visit Anni in Norfolk for a Valentine's ball. I went to the fancy dress shop to search for a gown...and things FIT!!! OMG, it was AMAZING :D The dress that I bought is a ten, and I LOVE it. I actually have a WAIST!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Fun with Makeup

I never seem to post here when I have makeup on., I DO realize that I have exactly ZERO readers of this blog. However, on the off chance that someone should stumble past, I present my triumph:

It' SO FUN having cheekbones again.
Anyhow, more pictures and the details are at my "real" blog:

Oh- and the disaster is abating- 170.0


Tuesday, January 02, 2007



*moan*...worst of all, that's not the WORST thing that the scale told me since I was home, but it is my Monday official.
I was SO off the wagon. I actually TOLD MYSELF that I wanted to stop eating- that I wasn't enjoying the food, and I couldn't stop. I ate until, one day, I actually threw up. The ONLY positive is that I have climbed back onto the wagon with relative ease. While I'm here, in my home/controlled environment, I'm still doing well. *knock on wood*

Now, if only all the damned New Year's Resolutioner's would quit gumming up Sparkpeople!

(Just kidding- I was a New Year's Resolution Girl last year myself!).

Since, once again, I FAILED to reach my goal (164 for New Year's), I'm going to have to resolve to get there this year- hopefully by Valentine's (at the latest!). My other goals are to be in the 140's by the time I go back to Scotland (in June) and to wear a bikini in St. Thomas next winter (we are going on the 26th of December, so I have a good long time to work toward that one!).