
169 again. *sigh*
Then again, I earned it.
This weekend was a DISASTER (not capital "D").
I started out meaning to be good by making a huge vat of my famous "magic soup". It's delicious and low-cal...the only trouble is that it is mega-high-sodium, so I was reluctant to do it so close to weigh-in day ( a reluctance which appears justified!). Anyhow, I ended up snacking on carbs ALL DAY on Saturday...soup and sugar-cinnamon pita chips...stayed within my calorie range, but set myself up for the carnage of Sunday.
Sunday BEGAN with Movie Theater Butter popcorn and ended up with a freshly baked layer cake. Dear Lord- do you KNOW how many calories are in layer cake? No? Well, I won't ruin the rest of your life by telling you....a LOT- which, coincidentally, is the same amount of cake that I ate. Frankly, I was astonished to see anything in the 60's this morning when I stepped onto the scale.
I meant to be back on the wagon today, but it ended up going all to hell. I was set to go to court in Carter County all day- but got called to the bench. My secretary had sent a message that Susan was sent home from school for being sick, SO I had to make the drive back and spend my entire day at home NOT working...I didn't have much juice at the gym tonight. I ran (well, WALKED for 15 mins, ran for 10 :$) and then decided I would try the weights instead of doing the bike and the eliptycahoweveryouspellit. Ugh. It is AMAZING how quickly you (meaning I) get weak! I could barely lift my gym bag and I lifted an embarassingly small amount of weight!
Ah, well...I'm within my calories this week. I'm going to put in a white strip and then my retainer in the hopes of staying on track.